This review was first published in portuguese for the blog Companhia das Amêndoas. This is a translated and adapted version for the english language.
After watching this fascinating movie for the first time, I picked up a book, in one of those coincidences that life gives to us that are completely unlikely, with the name Famous Quotes From Famous People. And in one of the various quotes that were printed in the pages of that little book, there was one that caught my attention, because it corresponded to the opinion I formed about this excellent work of art that my eyes had the pleasure to behold. The quote is from Robert Frost, one of the greatest authors of north-american poetry, and he says: "It is absurd to think that the only way to tell if a poem is lasting is to wait and see if it lasts. The right reader of a good poem can tell the moment it strikes him that he has taken an immortal wound — that he will never get over it." And if we change the "Poem" mentioned by Frost for "Movie", the opinion of the writer perfectly suits to Angels with Dirty Faces... and to many other movies I love, I confess. I say this because I think this film, directed by Michael Curtiz (the filmmaker who would make, some years later, that unforgetable classic called Casablanca, with Humphrey Bogart too, but here in Angels he has a supporting - but terrific! - role), has always been in the shadow of other great movies, much more popular, and this one had just endured because it obtained, over the decades, a legion of numerous fans of the treasures of Cinema (the picture has now a score of 8.0 on IMDB, which is very good). But if it were only "time" causes, as Frost said, Angels with Dirty Faces would be lost in that decade (not so) far away that was the thirties. If we expected the film would endure over the years (having neither great acclaim from critics the following decades, or the recognition of major institutions such as the American Film Institute), it would be as if it never existed. I mean, watching the quality of the negative (and we do not know if it is "the" negative) that was converted for the DVD so-so special edition of this motion picture, it's noticeable that it never had appropriate conditions of conservation (there are various faults, very visible, in the reels and in many frames, throughout the film).
But I said the movie was in the shadow. And then I talk again in Casablanca. That is, probably, the most popular title from Michael Curtiz's filmography. But it hid many other great movies of the director, such as this one. And I love Casablanca, it is one of my other favorite movies of all time. But it's sad when a motion picture almost "destroy" all the work of a filmmaker who, by the way, was one of the greatest professionals in his area at that time, because Curtiz has so much to explore (in quality and in quantity - in the year Angels was release, Curtiz made three other movies, almost simultaneously. And today, that's a big achievement, if we compare with the super-productions, many of them so uninteresting, that take too long to be made...), and this wonderful picture is the exemple of that quality, of the american classic Cinema that is impossible to remake today, because they are of a decade and of a period of Hollywood where the excellence of the production of the great directors were so inspiring, touching, and original. Angels with Dirty Faces is a movie of a genre that was fashionable at the time it debuted: the gangster movies, and when were made terrific and terrible and "standard" titles in that genre. It is like the westerns. Many of them were made in the "golden ages" of the cowboy movie stories, but very few of them stood out. Many of the gangster movies had just beatings, corruption and vulgar love stories...
However, there are always isolated spots in the middle of the ocean, and Angels with Dirty Faces elevates the genre of the gangster film to a higher level, as can also give some touches of film noir and good drama that attach to this work a superlative quality. The story is told in a fluid way, very quickly but without losing any shred of credibility. We follow Rocky Sullivan (played by a smashing James Cagney), a gangster who, after having spent fifteen years of prison to prison, come out and involves himself into more schemes, to return to the criminal underworld. On his way he finds Jerry (Pat O'Brien in one more collaboration with old pal Cagney), his childhood friend who became a priest. He not only intends to put Rocky on the right track (because he thinks there's still hope for the salvation of his soul), but also wants to prevent a group of boys (played by the Dead End Kids, who had succeed on Broadway) to not follow the same paths of the most feared criminal in the city. However, the unscrupulous attorney of Rocky (Humphrey Bogart), who decided to steal Rocky's money that he was ordered to save while he was in jail, wants to withdraw his "client" of the way when he returns from prison. And join other gangsters join him, to destroy Rocky's reputation. And there is a love story, too.
However, there are always isolated spots in the middle of the ocean, and Angels with Dirty Faces elevates the genre of the gangster film to a higher level, as can also give some touches of film noir and good drama that attach to this work a superlative quality. The story is told in a fluid way, very quickly but without losing any shred of credibility. We follow Rocky Sullivan (played by a smashing James Cagney), a gangster who, after having spent fifteen years of prison to prison, come out and involves himself into more schemes, to return to the criminal underworld. On his way he finds Jerry (Pat O'Brien in one more collaboration with old pal Cagney), his childhood friend who became a priest. He not only intends to put Rocky on the right track (because he thinks there's still hope for the salvation of his soul), but also wants to prevent a group of boys (played by the Dead End Kids, who had succeed on Broadway) to not follow the same paths of the most feared criminal in the city. However, the unscrupulous attorney of Rocky (Humphrey Bogart), who decided to steal Rocky's money that he was ordered to save while he was in jail, wants to withdraw his "client" of the way when he returns from prison. And join other gangsters join him, to destroy Rocky's reputation. And there is a love story, too.
The result of this variety of stories (which are all very simple, but with more depth than they appear) is a powerful and unparalleled work in the Classic Cinema. Michael Curtiz's achievement is intelligent and emotionally overwhelming, and I enjoyed the strong use of light in the scenarios, the photography of the scenes (which loses some of its glimmer because of the degraded copy of the DVD), the performances of the actors, the script, which has great quotes and is very well planned, executed and interpreted. The soundtrack is excellent and fits perfectly with the whole film, being well selected and organized. I emphasize also the camera angles, approaching us from the characters and the environments that surround them (and with that Curtiz showed one of its greatest strengths and talents), and that was the cause of my excitement with the last moments of the film ((such as the apotheosis of Cagney and O'Brien, showing that friendship and human dignity has no limits, regardless of the environment in which we were born). Angels with Dorty Faces is, for me, and I say this without fear, a masterpiece. This movie shows how certain classics, even if they can not withstand the time, the lists of critics and all those things, they can always, if they're good, get a cult of fans delighted with it, managing to increase interest in discovering this movie treasures.
* * * * *
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